Volunteer with Oxford Lodge
Volunteer with us.
Whether in photography, a technical skill, or a legal service, the Lodge benefits greatly by community members that get involved and offer their skills. If you have a skill that you think could be of assistance, we’d love to hear it! All help is welcome.
Prepare: Whether for our round table discussions or for Open Mic nights, the Lodge needs your help providing meals and snacks for students! Partner with us through the art of food by preparing dishes for students.
Serve: if you’d rather cook food alongside students and serve them throughout the day, come join us each Friday as we make breakfast tacos for students. Hop on the griddle or take on the assembly line of toppings as we serve students each week. Your help makes a difference.
Students that study hard need fuel to keep them going. Help students by providing study snacks. Whether daily or once a month, snacks propel the aim of hospitality.
We benefit greatly when those that have walked before us can speak into our lives, offering wisdom and insight through a Christian lens. Help us build a network of mentors that our students can be connected to. We hope to match you with a student as you offer not only offer up your lives,, but your homes in hospitality.
Whether through gardening, patching holes in walls, helping us deep clean the lodge, or even simply fixing a light bulb, we extend the opportunity to help us maintain the Lodge’s facilities so that it can be best used as a service to students. The list of small projects never ends, and we would love to set you up with a project. Reach out and see what the current needs are, and you can choose something you’d be best suited for.
Whether you’re looking to volunteer once a week or once a year, we’ll match your interests, talents, and abilities with the Oxford Lodge’s current needs. We recommend volunteering on a regular basis, even if it is infrequently. This helps our staff anticipate coverage and make the most of available resources.